
Best Time

Go On Safari At The Best Time

The best time to go on a safari to Tanzania and tour Zanzibar is during the dry season from June to September, while January and February offer good options. Find out our recommendation weather information.

Visit Tanzania and Zanzibar is often complex and depends on many things including your interests, and exactly where you want to go. However, the climate cannot be the main issue to stop you from making your safari trip.

Many tourists, come to experience the Tanzania Safaris, the Serengeti Great Migration river crossings, Ngorongoro Crater, or Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. Find out – the unique experience of their lifetime!

This is why? All National Parks offer amazing wildlife sightings, stunning landscape views, beautiful culture, high-rated services, and many more.

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When To Go / Where To Go (Monthly Guide)


Weather And Climate

North Tanzania is situated only around 100 kilometers south of the equator, and the southernmost corner of the country is 1 300 kilometers away from the equator – thus Tanzania has well-defined dry and wet seasons.

June, to October, are when rainfall is unusual, even on the islands. Temperatures vary hugely with altitude and location, but it’s usually a fine, clear sky and sunny weather – it’s a great time to visit Tanzania.

During November and December, there’s a short rain season – these are much lighter than the main rains and less reliable.

January and February, which is Tanzania’s short dry season, before starting to rain again at the end of March.


Weather Summary

  • June to October – The dry season
  • November to December – Short rain season
  • January to March – Short dry season
  • April to May – Long rain

Places To Go On Safari

Tanzania offers the best safari destination all year round when the country is at its driest from July to October.

  • Zanzibar island is the best to visit from June to October during the cool, dry months of spring – also the popular time to visit this beautiful island is from December to February when it’s hot and dry.
  • The top parks – Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara, and Tarangire deliver superb year-round game viewing, but visitor numbers peak from about June to October.
  • Mount Kilimanjaro: the best weather conditions to climb are between July and October or January to March.
  • For a tropical beach holiday, the best time to visit Tanzania’s coast, Zanzibar, and other islands are between June to March.
  • Traveling during the long rains (April to May), you could have a week of sunshine or a week of rain – but you’ll get low season rates.
  • During the green season (January to March and November to December) – least crowded, lots of baby animals around, and a fantastic time for bird watching
  • During peak season (June to October) – cool and dry weather and good photography conditions

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