
Big 5

Big 5 Safari Tours

Opportunity to see the African Big 5 Animals

Big 5 Safaris to see the lions, leopards, rhinoceros, elephant, and Cape buffalo. Many travelers to Safari Africa dream of spotting all members of the Big Five

The fact is why they named “African Big 5” as they were coined by big-game hunters and are not derived from the size of the animals.  These animals proved to be the most difficult to hunt due to their ferocity when cornered. Ah-ha! Are you surprised?

In the old days, wealthy European aristocrats would fly to Africa to hunt the animals that we are now so desperate to protect.

Therefore, there was a great deal of prestige to be gained from killing one. What a bunch of jerks!
Good job for the protection, as you will only be allowed to take as many photos as you can by using your camera and nothing else

Where to See Africa’s Big 5?

Tanzania game drives give you the unique opportunity to experience the African Big 5 Animals.

The tour to the amazing natural wonders of Tarangire National Park, Serengeti National Park, Lake Manyara National Park, Ngorongoro Crater, Mkomazi National Park, Nyerere National Park, and Lake Manyara National Park provides unforgettable memory and more actions.

The Big 5 Animals List

Lion, Leopard, Elephant, Rhino, and Buffalo.

When to travel on June - Tanzania in Africa

The King of the Jungle; the regal lion is a social big cat that can look remarkably like a larger-than-life housecat when they’re sunning themselves on rocks or playing together. seeing the pride of lions close in their habitat will leave you with an indelible memory.

Leopard The Big 5 Animal safari

They are known as the “Prince of Darkness” as they walk with elegant grace and have an amazing coat color. How lucky would you be! When you see a leopard walking around the wilderness

Mikumi National Park

The world’s largest land animal which weighs 7 tons (7,000 kilos) qualifies as ‘big’ in every sense of the word. Nothing scarier than being chased by an animal that weighs 7,000 kilos!

Big 5 Safari - Ngorongoro Crater

The rhino weighing in at 2,500 kilos and are a heavyweight animal and gives birth only once every 5 years – the most endangered of the Big 5, the black rhinoceros is critically endangered due to continued poaching, largely due to the incorrect belief in Chinese traditional medicine that their horns have medicinal properties.

The African Buffalos (sometimes called the Cape Buffalos) are deserving to be among the Big 5, and here is why! Buffalo is one of Africa’s most dangerous animals with very few predators. The buffalo is considered the most dangerous of the animals on this list!

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