
Great Migration

Serengeti Wildebeest Migration

The Great Migration is the annual movement of 2 million ungulates. Serengeti Wildebeest Migration also enormous groups of zebra, Thomson’s gazelle, and Grant’s gazelle about an 800-kilometer trek of representation of the circle of life.

Here are the Top Deal and Best Time Safari Tours to see the Great Migration from June, July, August, September, November, December, January, February, March, April, and May.

  • The journey starts in the Southern Plain of Serengeti when wildebeest calves are being born. The air during these months is full of new life and actions from predators like lions, leopards, cheetahs, and hyenas.
  • Then the Wildebeests followed by the Zebras and Gazelles move clockwise from the south, west, north (Masai Mara in Kenya), and back to the south.
  • The migration is not without risk – crossing rivers means facing crocodiles, patiently waiting for a kill, or seeing a group of lions collaborating to hunt down a wildebeest is an unforgettable sight.

Best Time Safari Tours To See Great Migration

The best time to see the Serengeti Wildebeest! Always pay attention to any visitor. The Park is an excellent year-round destination.

The event is well determined by the annual rain pattern which leads to the main event of river crossings, which are only seen at certain times.

January, February, and March

“Calving or birthing season with intense cat action”

During these seasons, the Great Migration can be found south of the Serengeti (Ndutu Area).

This vast plain area is dominated by short grass. Also, within this period of the season, you will experience the birth of half a million calves, meaning these months are full of new life and action – an excellent time to see predator action.

April, May, and June

The wet season (heavy rainfall) Great Migration moves towards the western part of Serengeti National park.

When the rain starts to rain on the plain area of the Ndutu area, is where the Migration moves to search for suitable grass and favorable grass.

Few of the Migration Animals can be spotted around the center of Serengeti.

July, August, September, and October

Mara River Crossing

The favorite season for many travelers is when the Great Migration moves north of Serengeti and meets significant challenges, by crossing the Mara River which is full of crocodiles waiting.

Lions and other predators always hide on the river bank waiting to ambush the crossing herd for their lucky meal of the day. This moment is luckier for those who cross and make it to the other side of the river.

November and December 

Now the herd begins to return from the northern side to the Southern part of Serengeti via the eastern side. 

During this period, the migration will cross again the Mara river on their way back.  The herds trek past Seronera – a small settlement in central Serengeti where the official Serengeti Visitors’ Centre is located – to return to their calving grounds again, and the circle is complete.

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